Slikarsko društvo ATELJE Bled, Muzejsko društvo Bled in harmonikar Gašper Primožič vabijo na
(Prvi) 1. Ex-tempore Bled 2016 od 6. do 9. oktobra 2016
Program na
Ali slišite, kako vdihne jezero, kako nekaj trenutkov zadržuje dih, kako zavalovijo valovi, ko izdihne? Ali vidite, kako se na površini lesketajočih se valov prikaže čopasti ponirek? Ali slišite, kako zakašlja mogočna grajska skala, ko se grajsko obzidje oprime apnenčastega grebena? Ali začutite, kako grad na pečini že stoletja gleda na jezero z otočkom? Ali se spomnite, tam nekje v nezavednem, kaj nam pripoveduje, ko nam prikliče spomine, njene, moje, tvoje, vaše, njihove? Ali vidite, kako se na Straži, Dobri Gori, Višcah, Pecovci, Stanu podijo s soncem obsijani oblaki? In ali vidite, da prihajajo vedno bližje? Kaj nam obetajo, kam nas vabijo? Prav kličejo nas, da pridemo na 1. slikarski Ex-tempore, naravnost na Bled. Da narišemo vdih jezera, kašelj grajske skale, skrito željo, ki jo pošilja zvon želja na otoku, prebujeni spomin naše preteklosti; da narišemo na slikarsko platno naš, vaš trenutek, za danes in za jutri, zase in za druge.
1st international painting Ex-tempore Bled 2016
Can you hear the lake breathing, holding its breath for a few moments, as the waves ripple? Can you see how the surface glimmers as the great crested grebe appears? Can you hear the roar of the mighty castle rock, and see the tight grip of the wall around the limestone cliff? Can you feel the castle, looking over the lake and its island for centuries? Do you remember what it’s telling us, when pulling memories from our subconsciousness – hers, mine, yours, theirs? Can you see the sun draped clouds basking over Straža, Dobra gora, Višce, Pecovca and Stan? Can you tell they’re inching ever closer? What are they promising, where are they leading us? They are inviting us to the 1st painting Ex-tempore, in the heart of Bled. So that we can draw the breath of the lake, the roar of the castle rock, the hidden desires within the island bell, the awakened memories of our past; to use the painter’s canvas, and draw our, your moment, for today, tomorrow, for yourself and for others.
Prijavnina vključuje sodelovanje na 1. slikarskem Ex-temporu Bled 2016, obisk Blejskega gradu z organiziranim vodenjem, pogostitev na spoznavnem večeru Ex-tempore Cafe in Pogovoru s slikarjem Janezom Ravnikom, praktično darilo Art Ljubljana d.o.o. ter parkiranje na dogovorjenih parkiriščih v času slikarskega Ex-tempora Bled 2016. Prijavnina je 19 EUR in se poravna ob žigosanju podlog.
Infocenter Triglavska roža Bled, Ljubljanska cesta 27, 4260 Bled
Festivalna dvorana Bled, Cesta svobode 11, 4260 Bled
Entry fee includes patricipation on the 1st painting Ex-tempore Bled 2016, entrance fee for Bled castle and organised guidance, catering at Ex-tempore Cafe and on Chat with painter Janez Ravnik, practical gift of Art Ljubljana d.o.o. and parking on selected parking spaces during the painting Ex-tempore Bled 2016. Entry fee is 19 EUR and is paid when stamping the foundation.
Infocenter Triglavska roža Bled, Ljubljanska cesta 27, 4260 Bled
Bled festival hall, Cesta svobode 11, 4260 Bled